Plus More in the Oracle Eloqua Quarterly Update This Week
It’s time to get ready for this big change coming to Eloqua. Redwood will change every aspect of how you do your work in Eloqua, and you will have the chance to try it out (further) later this week. As we announced in the May ‘23 Marketing Automation News, Oracle’s Redwood user interface is being rolled out in stages. As of November 18, all users will be able to experience Redwood with a check of a box on the left navigation menu to toggle the new interface on or off.
Eloqua product areas that will offer the new Redwood Experience will include: My Eloqua, Contacts, Dashboards, and Campaigns. Still to come are the Graphic Email interface, Segments, Shared Lists, Landing Pages, Forms, Custom Data Objects and more. All of Eloqua will be moving to the Redwood interface and although Oracle has not officially set a final date, they have stated it could be as soon as May 2024.
The Marketing Automation Team will next be hosting a User Group meeting on Redwood and new training modules are being developed to support users in advance of the change next year. Read more about Eloqua’s Updates for this quarter on the Eloqua “23D” Release Web Page.