Spring Cleaning: Tidy Up Eloqua Assets

With all of us on campus using Eloqua, our instance can start to feel like we’re living in a large dwelling akin to those along Langdon Street (you get the idea). More than unkempt, it can be downright challenging to conduct email business at times.  Each spring, the marketing automation team tackles some much-needed spring cleaning to our Eloqua instance and we’d like to ask you to join us.

If you no longer use specific Emails, you can delete them by opening your folder, select the file name there, right or alt-click the asset name and choose “delete” from the menu. Alternatively, you can choose to archive the asset instead. Archiving an asset allows you to restore it if you need it again, rather than having to recreate it. When an asset is archived, it continues to function as normal and assets with dependencies can also be archived.

If you’d like to delete or archive an asset but do not seem to have the permission to do so or you encounter a dependency, you can move it to our “!ALL_Trash” folder. You can find this folder in alphabetical order if you sort the folder list by file name, or type !ALL_Trash in the file move sequence to choose this folder directly.  You can move more than one asset at a time to the !ALL_Trash folder by holding down the <shift> and clicking multiple files; and we’ll take it from there.

Just a note to take the time to put your Eloqua assets in your departmental folder or subfolder if at all possible.  If you cannot find your asset, you can search on the file name, or take a look in the red “Unfiled” folder to see if we’ve moved your asset there.  One last reminder that we have shareable assets (Images, others) available in the _1UWShared folders located throughout the Eloqua feature areas.

As always, let us know if you have any questions about how to get things organized.  We can assist you!